Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Do you Know About Your Heart?

What Do you Know About Your Heart?

The heart is a hollow muscular organ pushes blood into the circulatory system, similar to the work of the pump, forming a key member of the cardiovascular system or the so-called rotary device.
Form the heart muscle tissue effective and functionally from the heart, where believe in shrinking transmission of blood pumped from the heart to the rest of the members, which makes the heart the main pumping station of the blood from the heart to to members of the supply of oxygen loaded in the blood coming from the lungs, then the heart to pump blood coming from the members and carrying carbon carbon dioxide to the lungs to purified and loaded again with oxygen.
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in the natural state of 4.5 to 5 liters per minute, can be increased to three times when you do Eetmarin sports.

You need the heart muscle to 7% of the oxygen carried by blood to produce energy pumping are therefore very sensitive to lack of oxygen, and any deficiency in the amount of oxygen contained to lead to a kind of anaerobic metabolism leads to pain known as angina pectoris (Angina pectoris).
Heart weight of 0.5% of the weight of the human body that is, up to 350 grams for a person weighing 70 kg, and this weight can be increased up to do as when the athletes. This increase is accompanied by increased blood volume weighted, which pumps in a single pulse increases when athletes what is the amount of blood that pumps and not the number of pulses. Blood vessels in the heart, including heart muscle that is constantly moving permanently to the need of continuous supply of blood cells transferred to the food and oxygen, due excreta and carbon dioxide which is known Baltroyh. Myocardial ischemia is Bashryanin Tagyan (left and right) go out from the beginning of the aorta (aortic) Atafraan to arterioles and capillaries where it feeds every half-heart.

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