Sunday, March 11, 2012

What do you know about Bermuda Triangle phenomenon

What do you know about Bermuda Triangle phenomenon

Despite the human capacity of knowledge and sciences in the modern era of disclosure of mysterious phenomena still occur continually in many parts of the earth an exciting surprise and wonder, although some of them cause a disaster and destroy thousands of victims.
Perhaps the strangest of those phenomena that occur in some parts of the earth (Bermuda Triangle), the killer and the Sea of ​​Satan near the coast of Japan, both of which pose a threat to ships and planes disappear without leaving a trace ..Despite the exaggerated at times in the novel tales and stories about (the Bermuda Triangle), but it is hard pieces that the Triangle area in question (which extends from the island of Bermuda in the north to Florida in the south and then through the Bahamas away from Puerto Rico westward about 40 / / degrees along before heading of towards a new Bermuda). This area was the scene of tragic events began to appear clearly since the fifth of December 1945, which drew attention to it since that date. When detected prior to that date also show that the grave events that have occurred, select the first date of her b / 1800 / AD.
Despite all the assumptions and probabilities developed by the scientists who have studied the region, strange secrets are still unknown and far from logical explanation and a cause for wonder and confusion ..

What is the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle? What are the latest scientific theories that explain the disappearances of ships and aircraft in it?
This is what we will try to answer reviewers also another theory recently announced by the Russian world (Henrik Tlalaevski). 

Sargas disappeared in a sea of ​​hundreds of ships and small boats and cargo ships, and records indicate that the first was in the year to monitor the disappearance of / 1800 /, where an American ship and disappeared on board / 340 / sailors in January of that year.

In / 20 / August of the same year, the American ship disappeared (Bikung) and on board / 90 / people, without leaving an impact .. In the ninth of October / 1814 / disappeared vessel (WASP) and on the board / / 140 sailors. And Badashr years on October 28 in / 1824 / disappeared (Wild Cat _ cat wild) and on board / 14 / sailors, and in / 1880 / in the fifteenth of January disappeared ship (Atlanta) and on board / 290 / person, and in / 1918 / disappeared (Skailub) cargo and crew, who are from / / 309 people.
And the continued disappearance of ships and some of them had not been recorded in the records in addition to hundreds of small boats and sailing vessels and fishing boats.
On the night of the third _ the fourth of October / 1951 / warship disappeared Brazil (Sao Paulo) very quickly without leaving an impact .. Has raised the disappearance of a sensation in the region, and has recruited hundreds of aircraft and rescue vessels to search for or its ruins, to no avail, and perhaps the biggest incident sparked panic by the U.S. authorities is the disappearance of the submarine (Scorpion) in / 1968 / and within / 90 / man. 

On the fifth of December the year / 1945 / Five aircraft of the U.S. Navy base (Fort Aderdel) in flight pilot training routine fuel enough for thousands of miles away, was two o'clock noon and the sun shining and the wind north eastern moderate, and in the third hour, and quarter after the end of the training received control tower strange letter from the commander of the formation: «The situation is understandable, we no longer see through the West .. Everything seems to hang, do not know where we are and in which direction? »A few minutes later received a tower new words« I'm trying to find a rule like above the church but I can not set the low point of the tower »and answered the Zodiac:« Fly north, where the sun on the beach up al-Qaeda » He replied: «we flew just above one of the small islands did not see the islands again» it seems they have lost their direction entirely, and became the tower does not listen to talk pilots because of confusion and was unable to deliver his appeals to them; but he was receiving bits of the talk among themselves, which took place about running out of fuel and compasses crazy ..
Declared a state of emergency at the base and about four o'clock in the afternoon received the tower the following appeal: «We are not sure where we are, we believe that our place is just (225) miles to the north-west of the base, may be passed Florida and we are over the Gulf of Mexico ..» Her voice weakens The last thing the tower received: «if what we see is water white, we have completely» .. The ship (Martin Mary's) has launched a cadre of thirteen people in saving the aircraft minutes before hearing the last calls of flight crew, and shortly after received the tower is also a message from (Martin Maryse): «There are strong winds at an altitude of six thousand feet» It was the last words, where the disappeared are also to become the number of aircraft lost six instead of five, was not possible at the time Find aircraft lost to send more planes because the darkness has been dissolved, although ships and boats, the Coast Guard has continued active throughout the night to search for the missing to no avail, and with the promise of dawn started about / / 316 aircraft, including / / 76 rescue aircraft to search for the effects of the wreckage of missing plane and participated in the research of hundreds of private jets and boats adventurers and yacht racing and several submarines, and eighteen boats to the U.S. Navy cleared the / 380 / thousand miles in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and the islandsclose to Florida, and increased flight hours for four thousand hours, was never found anything, not even a small effect or a piece of wood floating. 

_ Are aircraft exploded at once did not have an impact?
_ Is the water refers to the white fog?
_ If the aircraft did not explode, why did not fall down one of them made an emergency landing and the sea is calm and clear sky and boats survive processing does not take more than a minute? 

What is the cause of the explosion, is there a deliberate sabotage and who?
Questions of confusion and some are not logical, but hesitated when many people at the base and between officials of the committees for research and investigation.
On the third of July / 1947 / disappeared aircraft type (C _54) crew of six people flying trip routine from Bermuda to Palm Beach, Having conducted a ship survey of one hundred thousand square miles of sea, found the means and seats and pipes oxygen has not been found Researchers wreckage has not been confirmed that those things of the plane itself.
In the twenty-ninth of January / 1948 / disappeared British plane name (Star Tiger) crew of six people and / / 25 passengers, including an officer distinguished in World War II, and after two days of searching found the radio boxes of fuel tanks belonging to the plane, but at a remote site hundreds of miles from the air route.
On 28 December of the same year disappeared passenger plane of the model (De. C-3) and on the board / / 36 passengers and was on its way to (Miami) coming from the (San Juan), and covered aircraft and ships researcher space / 300 / thousand square miles without finding effect. 

In the seventeenth of January / 1949 / plane disappeared (Stararal) and on the board / / 20 people, including its crew of seven people, has told its leader, an hour after take-off the weather is good and everything is going to the fullest, the plane was in flight normal between Bermuda and Jamaica, then the plane disappeared without a trace, and control / 72 / aircraft side by side and wiped / 50 / thousand square miles in vain he could not find any trace.
Perhaps the strangest incidents that have occurred, are those that have taken place for the crews of ships and boats to disappear without those ships and boats in the same year / 1840 / disappeared sailors and ship's crew (Runali) recorded in Havana.
On 26 February the year / 1855 / disappeared crew (James Chester), as well as the disappeared crew (Lynn Austin) tanker American goods in / 1881 / and accepted (de Garita) British (in November / 1972, which disappeared crew was not tampered Bdaúaha and equipment), In / 1902 / early October crew disappeared (advantages), German, and disappeared crew (Carl Azng) of America in February / 1921 / and the examination shows that the food was ready and tidy, but no trace of the crew.
And disappeared on February 3 year / 1940 / crew (Gloria Kolayt) also disappeared from the lifeboats on the surface. Found on the ship (Rubicon) on 22 October the year / 1944 / without crew on board, and not only a hungry dog.
There has also disappeared, as well as crews and sailors hundreds of boats and yachts in the region in addition to cargo ships.
It was estimated that of the year / 1945 / until / 1970 only gone a hundred ships and aircraft, and lost / 100 / A human victim in the Triangle area in question, which was called before that date triangle of Satan or (graveyard of ships in the Atlantic) or (Sea of ​​doom), as occurred many other incidents in the seventies and eighties, but it did not reach the numbers of terrifying, as before; because sailing or flying over the area counting adventure on ships or airlines, so avoid all the way and avoided the sea vessels (Sargas) in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.
But what said those who survived? What are the scientific explanations of these incidents?
Agreed that all survivors of the Bermuda Triangle, whether in aircraft or ships or boats, or yachts and small boats on the following words:
_ Concussion occurred in a large plane for a quarter of an hour remained where the plane go up and down.
_ There was a huge spiral freely and heavy fog rolling of ships, although that time was noon and the sky is clear and the weather is nice. 

_ We were in a region above the surface of the water depth / 600 / stature and compass were rotate counter-clockwise, and the noise severe and suddenly appeared as if the water rushes in each direction until we no longer know where the horizon, as it mixed with the sky with sea water and stopped generators and increased sea floods, and it seemed us as if nothing is trying to drag us back, was quite tight rope diameter Wenger and we ship the empty Ntrat oil .. While our ship was strongly two thousand horse and a length of 50 / / m, and the length of the vessel shipping / 280 / meters and weighing thousands of tons, disappeared cargo ship suddenly cut the rope that connects Bsventna, the color of the water Halibia, we saw the lights strange in the air and the sea.
_ The wings colored in green, although it painted light, and compass spin slowly, and after that the fuel indicator refers to the half was referring to the (full) and the power steering attract the plane to the far right, used then the steering wheel by hand, glowed the plane, the glare strong to the extent occurring on sight, I could not see the stars even though the time was at night, increasing glare for a few minutes and then gradually fades to take machines and returned to work.
_ Rose from the ocean water in a circular motion as if it resulted from a nuclear explosion as much as half a mile in diameter and elevation. Did not score at the time of an earthquake or an earthquake in the region.
_ Bright lights were seen moving and wipe the surface of the water.
_ Seemed to three luminous objects move and disappear in the dark with lines ..
Because the disappearances were a strange and sometimes amazing, the interpretation was sometimes causes strange and unconvincing, and we review these explanations with the reservation of some of them.
À area is located within the sea currents heading north may be the cause of disasters, especially those that the speed of convergence of currents ten miles per hour.
À area may be mined marine and explosive bombs left over from previous wars. But this reasoning is not convincing at all, because these explosives no matter how big is not enough to justify the disappearance of many ships and boats, except that they do not affect the aircraft as well.
À crashed hundreds of ships on the cliff and buried in the sand just because the Gulf Stream brings with it huge quantities of sand; But what about the disappearance of the aircraft?
À also justified some of the disappearance of ships there digging blue are scattered among the limestone rock under water through the Bahamas, the caves in the past, when it rose water in the ice age the third before / 12 / A, / 15 / thousand years, is at a depth of about / 500 / meters, leading to the ramifications of these caves in the limestone pits connected lakes in the Bahamas, and in one of the islands people were surprised one day the presence of a shark in a lake inside the island, with this type of fish does not appear before in the island, would indicate that she connected to the sea Caves long infiltrated one of the shark, and there are several caves in the Atlantic Ocean like the caves, divers have noted that they diverge, such as land caves and ramifications of these trends confusing, some of which were accurate to the extent that it looked like the hands of trained human sculpture. 

These caves may cause swirls freely, they can swallow ships and boats, and they are many in the Triangle area in question.
The tidal waves caused by sudden storms that occur in some chapters suddenly, may lead to raise the huge columns of water into space, these columns can be washed away any aircraft or any boat or ship approaching them.
Waves generated by landslides in the earth's crust under the water can swallow ships and aircraft also affect the intensity of the lowest waves resulting from earthquakes.
These may be the origin of earthquakes with a magnetic crash aircraft, ships and have the status of sustainability in the region.
In his book (Headquarters missing) confirms (John Spencer) that the area of ​​the triangle under the control of intelligent beings from other worlds that take the ships and aircraft with tremendous force as Tantzaaha by force.
Says (Ivan Anderson) the known world: «did not rule out the existence of the evolution of civilization under the water? Water occupies three-quarters of the planet while not running the land, only a quarter and most parts of the land is haunted, what prevents the existence of a sophisticated culture of rational beings may be developed for humans under water? .. »?
Several times seen moving objects underwater and out of the extremely rapidly heading toward outer space, as if working on atomic energy; power nuclear fusion and fission is not .. As also seen unidentified objects in the area at different times.
In the magazine Panorama Russian Number / 95 / In an article in a special explanation (Krocelinitsky) theory (Henrik Tlalaevski) on the Bermuda Triangle has developed the world's great theory, which confirm the existence of variation in the nature of the acceleration transition and acceleration, circulatory, The body during the rotation reduced weight but gaining weight is negative when they reach the critical speed of rotation alone. In the context of the theory of weight lost was able (Tlalaevski) explanation of the nature of the hurricane Riahi, which can be lifted and transported over long distances huge blocks of massive objects such as buildings .. The scientists discovered the existence of ocean eddies nestled in the deeper water, moving the world to the idea of ​​the great mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle interpretation of his theory which is based on spherical geometry, which he developed (Vlinsr) is not on the geometry (Riemann).
And explain (Tlalaevski) Some incidents unique in the history of aviation and says: «in the early seventies disappeared from the radar screen at the airport (Miami) U.S. passenger plane before landing twenty minutes, and returned radar and discovered after ten minutes did not draw the attention of the passengers or crew during flight occurrence of something unusual, but the plane landed ten minutes late, and is known as the Einstein theory of relativity: that the time does not stop unless the plane was flying at the speed of light the amount of / 300 / thousand kilometers per second .. This is impossible. 

So what is the password?
Say (Tlalaevski), explaining his theory: «According to the principle established by the rotor weighing less general and more mass primary has been increased further, and this is what happens in the region of Bermuda, where it appears abnormality of gravity in the center of vortices marine enormous, Where the ship is at the center of vortex circulation is exposed to the force of gravity tremendous sunk immediately. It also occurs as the aircraft experienced by eddy currents and sets very strong in the depths of the tragedy of the ship or aircraft, as the sweep debris away from the accident place for hundreds of kilometers. The hours that were delayed ten minutes in the civilian passenger plane, which disappeared on the radar screen it is also in the case of curvature of the vacuum mass doubled during flight, the plane almost twice, even if the plane closer to the center of the vortex led to the increase of gravity disaster .. Gravity anomalies and this explains the disappearance of the plane from radar screens, where the signals deviated in the space curve, and no longer to radar receivers, but after ten minutes, and gravity anomalies on the circulation of the vortices Aitoagaf water but on the internal structure of the Earth. Has proven astronauts American-brokered measure of «rise to study volatility» to the Pacific in the Bermuda Triangle concave by about 25 meters and were unable to study the change of gravity in which they blend with the background of gravity of the globe, as the force of gravity ship space be weak in orbit, but in ships or aircraft, the force of gravity anomalies over the area «Bermuda Triangle» can puncturing mechanical systems to navigation devices air, sea, and fluctuate compasses, and can be the intensity of the anomalies that are constantly changing; and this is turning to the interpretations of psychotherapy may make the crews of ships fleeing from watching the crazy compasses and other devices , and can lead to their destruction. Remember, some reports that in the area of ​​Bermuda returned aircraft to the airport ahead of time a few minutes if there are winds favorable paid without the recorded meteorological something, and the reason for that _ adds Tlalaevski _ that if over the rocket released into space, for example an object with a mass of huge «Kalecoqb» the excess of gravity making it fly quickly without consuming more fuel ... And confirms the wide world that there are other areas on the earth's surface exposed to abnormalities in the gravity as a sea of ​​Satan near the coast of Japan, where they disappear ships centuries ago without leaving a trace, has been announced by the Japanese government area which is dangerous to navigation, while the main reason was to change the intensity of gravity that we have mentioned. 

Theory looks convincing and the future answer may come on their health substantiated uncertain, although some physicists are reluctant approval.

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