Saturday, March 10, 2012

Secrets of the hidden power of the pyramids

Secrets of the hidden power of the pyramids
Flashes rapidly and the secrets of Al-Ahram:

1 - The height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt (Giza) 149.4 meters and the distance between the Earth and the sun of 149.4 million kilometers and direction of the door in the direction of Polaris also indicate the corners of the pyramid to the side of the original four directions exactly.
2 - no more than building the pyramids for 20 years.3 - The number of stones that built the Great Pyramid of 2.3 million stone.4 - back building of the pyramids of the fourth family, which ruled Egypt from 4000 BC.
5 - The three pyramids stones enough to build a wall area of ​​2 cubic meters and extends a length of 100 thousand square kilometers around the globe along the equator.6 - no mortar at all to install the stones of the pyramids and used but the type of oil drilling, which it fills up and then ignites the stone then placed the stone chipped away at the other, he spoke to the air stone is fixed (the idea cups of air).

7 - Did you know that measurements of the pyramid determines the distance between the sun and the earth?8 - Did you know that the Great Pyramid base area of ​​twelve acres and a half?9 - Average weight of each stone in the pyramid 302.5 tons.10 - Herodotus said: The (100000) man who built this pyramid for over 20 years.11 - Can you believe that the temperature inside the pyramid, the largest room of King throughout the year does not exceed 22 degrees Celsius!! The reason that the existence of holes Ichterqan rocks on both sides of the pyramid.
12 - to strip the scientists analyzed the area of ​​Al-Ahram in Giza, stone and found traces of chemicals, proving that they cut off the ends of these stones at the south of Egypt with chemicals, which confirms that the Pharaohs were aware of chemistry.
Successive experiments have scientists in various disciplines through the use of varying sizes of pyramids made of various materials and their impact .. And confirm that there is a movement of turbulence energy emitted from the head or top of the pyramid expands in diameter, the higher and a height of 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches above the pyramid is made of cardboard and a height of 4 inches and also found that if you put crystals quartz over the hierarchical model, it increases the field of energy pyramid.

And also proved that there is a hierarchy within a magnetic field changes the powers that be as it is known that a magnetic field can prevent the entry into force of electric current or magnetic field alters the existing .. This indicates that there is an electromagnetic field in the pyramid .. The strength of this field Othblg 13.000 Gauss, while the land area is 1 Gauss, and this is the reason for increased seed-breeding and activate enzymes.
Hierarchical construction resists earthquakes:
It's been on Egypt seismic waves of varying severity but the Al-Ahram in all its forms and locations did not turn out to collapse did not like the ruins of buildings and monuments.
Glory to God, thanks to Allah who made the pyramid still exists and has inspired the human idea that be a form fixed pillars strong structure resist the impact of the earthquake or not because the vibration of building the product of the earthquake and aftershocks make the weight of the upper parallel horizontally with the rest of the roles occurring cracks and fragmented vertically, which destroys building the pyramid the base and the heavy head that serves as a point (zero) occur stable and balanced horizontally not vertical supports building collapseThe Americans took advantage of the idea of ​​hierarchical construction has built a world class luxury hotel giant, they called the Luxor Hotel to resist the earthquake in the form of a pyramid, and to be a spa or rather a hospital tour.
According to the magazine as number 173 - November 1989 This news which confirms this speech "the highest skyscraper in the world will be held soon in Japan and a height of thousand meters of this announcement by contracting company Japanese had prepared maps the initial building (the city of the sky), which will be set up in the form of Pyramid to withstand earthquakes and will be evaluated with 35 thousand inhabitants 135 thousand employees in addition to dozens of schools, hospitals, parks and sports fields, the estimated cost of the building which will be held in Tokyo, to U.S. $ 32.4 billion. 

Al-Ahram and its relationship to the sun:
In the first scientific study of its kind carried out by the world Czech Professor "Ladislav Kachinki" to prove the relationship between the rising and setting sun and the building of the pyramids, after a search lasted three full years participated with a group of scientists and came out the results confirm facts are interesting,,,, it:
That when the solar radiation falling through the gaps between the clouds that obscure the sun disk images of the earth take part on the form hierarchically large peak in the cloud and its base in the ground ... And that this link is part of the sun-Ahram.It was found that this phenomenon is clearly seen after the fall of rain usually starts in the clouds Visibility out when the air laden with water vapor, which helps to track the emergence of solar radiation heading for earth very clearly.
So clear photographs captured by the sun during sunrise and sunset in the area of ​​Helwan and Saqqara in Tiusluvakaa - and that by cameras in particular - that the disk of the sun under the climatic conditions and topography of the private sometimes appear during sunset and sunrise in the form of a pyramid, and that vary these forms hierarchical solar conditions prevailing weather by geographic imaging process.
And that this phenomenon is seen during sunrise clearly than in the case of the sunset as the lead accumulations air of dust and dirt during the night to highlight this phenomenon am unlike the case at sunset where impede moves air blur the features of this phenomenon is known that the Pharaohs were able to identify the virtual path of the sun which reflects the movement of the real annual land around the sun and lead to a succession of seasons ... Therefore, some temples were established in a manner so astronomical engineering intervention in the sun, some in limited times during the year such as the Temple of "Amon Ra" in the good and the Temple of "Ramses II" at Abu Simbel.

This is a pyramid of Saqqara is an example of three-dimensional disk of the sun on the horizon as this pyramid reflects the gradient in the edge of the disk of the sun overlooking the horizon when the weather conditions in particular. It was found that in the first seconds of the Sunrise show the edge of the sun on the terrace and a rectangle, and then followed by the emergence of other terrace second and third .... Thus, in the form of a pyramid included a clearly defined consists of several (Msatab) and that the number of these terraces varies according to the weather conditions prevailing in the aerobics classes near the surface of the earth and that he may abound gradients and overlap with each other and made up a form hierarchically normal to him gradients relative.
It is proven in terms of purely physical phenomenon that reflects the heterogeneity in the characteristics of the layers of air adjacent to the earth's surface resulting in variation in temperature and density distributions prevailing, which leads to varying seeing disk of the sun.
It all shows that the Al-Ahram - According to the belief of pharaohs - is only a giant could climb ladders to the sky through which to reach out to the god Ra as well as to monitor the journey of the sun from sunrise to sunset and so named after the blessing.

Theory of Five:
In 1877 the world came out Joseph Sais American theory of strange,,,, is the "theory of Five," which he says:((The pyramid has five aspects, including the base of the pyramid and the five pillars and all corners of the pyramid is) 5/1 (which is a measure of the arm is a) 2/1 ()).
Is the number 5 is in control of the pyramid is engineered and astronomer Will has to do with the number 5 reference to the fingers of the hand, foot and sensory panels and Moses peace be upon him.That view is the view of engineering purely astronomical means that the dynamic engineering or formal geometry hierarchy contains a vital energy at the center of a certain vacuum in the internal format affect the physiology Members animal or plant.
Experience has shown that the pyramid is five faces with engineering controls and astronomical in terms of its status and its components of plastic and confirms that there is a secret of power in the vacuum of the pyramid, making him the power of subtle healing through research and studies confirm that the secret lies in the power of Five of the form of hierarchy with the electromagnetic field harmonious with the axis north South of the Earth with an accuracy of the distance form the hierarchical to the extent that the door of the pyramid towards the polar star, let alone that there were factors other reliable dynamic secret of these supernatural powers.

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