Friday, March 30, 2012

Some strange beliefs in different countries

Spread some strange beliefs in different countries and the strangest of these myths are the ten
- In Thailand, some of the men wearing women's clothes in Kda bed voracioussexual female ghosts.
As part of the ritual of the rise of male astronauts urinate in Russia to the right ofthe wheel used to take them to the launch site in order to reach safety.
Some believe that the tattoo in Thailand, which puts the Buddhist monks could protect them from bullets and knives. .
Believed in China that help kids bug insult to keep them safe from evil entities.
In several countries believed to be wearing underwear from the inside out makesa bad day better.

In Japan and China, the vertical rods parked in a bowl of rice is the harbinger ofdeath.
In Japan, the person in the middle of a picture made ​​up of three people die orsuffer from bad luck in his life.
Women in different countries will be the spinster in the end if you accept a man with a mustache.
In the American actress who won an Oscar for Best Actress vulnerable to ruin her relationship with her ​​partner.
Chewing gum in Turkey in the night as if chewed flesh of the dead.

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