Saturday, March 10, 2012

What do you know about bees??

What do you know about bees?

1 - honey bee produced for more than 150 colorful years.

2 - did not know of honey bees in America before the arrival of immigrants the English and the Dutch and the Spaniards in the seventeenth century.

3 - moves the honey bee wings 11,400 times per minute, and that which isdistinctive sizzling.

4 - Bee Hawwaa fly 12 miles per hour.

5 - to visit the bee from flower 50 to 100 per voyage.

6 - be the queen bee in the most effective in places where the summer of 1000 to 1500 eggs per day.

7 - In the cold winter months working bees take short flights for disinfection and cleaning and be more concerned with cleanliness of the cell.

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