Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cannibal kidnap and kill Brazilian farmer and then delight in cooking and eating him

Cannibals kidnap and kill Brazilian farmer  and then delight in cooking and eating him

Brazilian official said in one of the cities in the remote forests of the Amazon that five men from the tribe of 'Collina' fled from justice after being accused of killing a farmer and cut up and eaten according to the rites cannibal.

The mayor of the village of Anvera'''' in the jungles of the Amazon, da Silva Clementino Marunelton, the members of the tribe,'''' Colina killed young Oossell Alves de Carvalho, aged 19 years, last week on the outskirts of the village, located far west of Brazil PVI , and near the border with Peru.The newspaper Diario de Amazonas'''' in the Amazon region that the five men fled from justice after being arrested for a brief period at a police station, has not issued any arrest warrant against them so far.This does not allow the Brazilian government of 
the army nor the Brazilian police into indigenous areas in the Amazon region.

Also did not know yet the number of participants in the crime and ritual cannibal, but he knew that five members of the tribe were arrested for a while before their escape from the police station towards the woods.Clementino said the young man was tending sheep when he met members of the tribe, who invited him to their village.He added:'' They know each other, and sometimes helping each other, and invited him to their village three days ago, and found no trace of him.''He explained that the family of the young man went to the village, and there saw the body parts of his skull as she was hanging on the tree, was the scene of a tragic for the family.This novel came from tribal members who were members of the vaunted that they ate the young man, explaining that they were doing ritual cannibals, that is cooking the members of the victim.Clementino said that members of the tribe surrounded the police station and encircled him during the interrogation of detainees, and after the detainees escaped.He pointed out that the tribe Clementino Collina'''', Of the 2,500 people of whom 450 live in neighboring Peru, is one of the tribes isolated and rarely mingle with others, and men in the tribe speak a different language from the language of females.Mention that in Brazil some 460 thousand Indian red, speak the language of 1300, and among these, there are 55 tribal group living in isolation from the others.

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