Saturday, March 24, 2012

U.S. scientists said they discovered a reason to forget

U.S. scientists said they discovered a reason to forget with age is in the presence of the brain is working on the inhibition of signal nervous, and most likely the researchers in their study, published their results today in the journal Nature, the British could get rid of this forgetfulness and indicated that they intend to do experiments with the elderly in this direction.And become signals between nerve pathways in the brain is weak with the progress of the age of rights due to the lack of signals released by neurons of aging, leading to forget the human aging of things, in many cases, according to the 
researchers under the supervision of my mother Ernstn from the Faculty of Medicine at Yale University and who have studied for the first time the changesthat occur on nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, the part responsible for the perception.

And send these neurons Asttharat permanently to keep the information "live", which helps the human to keep things that are used on a daily basis, such remember where the key to the car, for example, is that these living memory also represent the base of abstract thinking and processes complex and hide ideas inappropriate But it is necessary to update this fast memory continuously.
The researchers studied the rate of energy signals of nerve cells during the experiments they conducted on animals and found that firing of nerve cells in animals older signals are slow during the process of remembering and that it is possible to increase the frequency of these signals if the conditioning center chemical nerve cells to become close to it in small animals.

And the researchers found that much of what is known particles "C AMD me" that weaken the frequency signals accumulate in the prefrontal area of ​​the brain aging and that these molecules open channels in the walls of nerve cells, allowing the infiltration of particles charged "ions" and weakens the frequency signal carrying the information the brain, and noted The researchers indicated that they intend to carry out field trials on the substance Joinvassin effective researchers believe that the good effect to improve the ability to remember.

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