Saturday, March 24, 2012

Russians researchers succeeded in developing a camera capable of capturingbillion images per second.

Russians researchers succeeded in developing a camera capable of capturing billion images per second.

According to Russian news agency (
Novosti) that the camera developed byresearchers at the Technological Institute in Moscow, is capable of capturing billion images per second, which is also able to capture the phenomena being the speed of light, such as displacement and flashes a laser beam passing through a vesselfilled with water.

She noted that the machine uses advanced imaging technology sequentiallysynchronized with the laser sourcewhere, following the movement of the machineis registered as a snapshot after snapshot of each flash point in the new place, leading after the liberation of footage for a video of the event.

But pointed out that the negative aspects of this machineit can not provide a photocopy of the phenomenon that can not be repeated for each flash of radiation.

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