Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did you know that the human body radiation and that this issue reveal the aura of the disease in the human body?

Did you know that the human body radiation and that this issue reveal the aura of the disease in the human body?

Can you believe that the human body radiation issue ..? And that this radiation is a biological equipment shipments can be photographed, and its colors starting from red and range until the end of the dark blue ..?

We have reached modern science to the presence of energy biological equipment radiate from the human body, but did not reach to the nature or origin, but that there is heat radiation (infrared), including frequencies can not be measured either for small, finite, and either to rise high, and there is in all beings, but in humans they are concentrated in the parties and increase the process of cleaning and washing with water and reach the peak after a shower. It (Alawra) or halo light surrounding the human body, and appear more glory to the Creator in the face
Of science has been able to photograph this energy and the possibility for humans to discover many of the diseases from which reflect the terms of any defect in the vital body functions through fingerprints fingers
Details of this energy carefully monitored by the Egyptian Dr. Mohammed Khalil praised Professor of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering and Science University (Point Park), where he says the U.S.
The electrical charges are on the whole human body, but they accumulate on the parties which is emitted from the body of any district as plants, insects and bacteria. The human body energy it Vtenbos biological equipment is not visible, and when the drawing is the work of the heart is placed electrodes on the human body in certain places to connect electrical power from the heart to the body surface, which reflects the health status of the heart and around the

How is the filming of this energy Allekerubiologih?
Scientists have invented a camera to photograph this energy which is known as(Kirlian)Since 1939, where you can shoot the halo light surrounding the human body, which radiates several types of radiation can be filmed, someThe radiation that results from the dynamic process we can not portray emotions such as the impact on the mental body functions and vital organs as each member of the body is affected, such as heart, liver, muscles, and each member come up with a type of radiation and a different color sets it apart from other memberThis optical halos that have implications on the activities of his vital body and the various diseases such as cancer or heart disease and twice the colon, pancreas, eye diseases and endocrine dysfunction
The colors in this sign of optical halos?
Colors ranging from red, which indicates the vital, to blue, which reflects the degree of the disease, and the presence of aura color specific about members such as the head or shoulders or arms reflects the nature of this member and whether vital or ill, and this is scientific research of interest to most European countries such as Russia, England and Germany , Denmark, France and the United States as well as Japan and Australia and has a private institutes called(Kirlian)
And how the imaging process ..?
Through the plate photographic particular placed the palm of the human it is acidification board special device and result in halos light, and the process of filming the fingers is up by putting a finger in a manner perpendicular to the plate photography where they appear on each finger aura illuminated in various colors ranging from blue to orange if cut off this halo, this indicates that there is part of the body exposed to a particular diseaseIn the event of death, we find the light on the body turns from red to fade after 72 hours of death and the blue color appears
How is the link between the shape of the halo and the optical nature of the disease ..?
Conducted statistics and studies on a large number of patients and took fingerprints of light to them, for example, heart patients of different ages, men and women and children, we have an imbalance in the form of fingerprint optical finger Central, and the same thing had been tried on patients with liver, pancreas, eye, gastrointestinal tract and impaired endocrine been reached to the forms specific optical fingerprints reflect an imbalance in the physiology and which is determined by diagnosis and place of Fallon in gray example shows the incidence of cancer
Can I use this method for the detection of energy emitted by objects other than human ..?
Has been applied to plants, especially medicinal herbs where possible, photographed in the manner established itself with the rights and detect the presence of a halo light huge around, which confirms the presence of energy emitted from these herbs, when addressed by the man moved to the place where the energy of his body and is dealt with in this type of herbs. It is known that the power loss or interruption of any member of the body causing a disease, hence, the medicinal herbs address this deficiency or illness through energy revealed by optical fingerprint images of the plantAnd if you lose the leaf part of it was filmed, we find a halo light exactly like the missing part of the paper and this applies also to humans who lose a member of the limbs, where he remains for several months is believed that this user is still present, because the brain is still felt that by this user not lost, and the tests performed recently in the United States lost one of the patients were asked to move the arms, one of the fingers (in the hand amputated) and found that the brain sends the energy to move the finger This _ even though it does not exist
And how they are portrayed in the energy Microbiological amputated limbs ..?
We were able to actually imaging and measuring the energy transmitted from the brain to move the finger is located. And thus has been the design of the mechanical prosthetic offline by the type of plastic called the (Bezobolimr) if it gave the electrical energy happens to him shrink, and thus can move the parties through the electric charge is very weak interference on a circle in a small computer the size of not more than 1.5 cm, and height of a half centimeters as it turns this electrical power to the weak voltage enters the plastic is made from the Party amputee, and thus spasm plastic and move the parties according to the strength of this energy

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