Sunday, March 25, 2012

British children in the thirteen-year-old becomes a father

British children in the thirteen-year-old becomes a father

Sparked the birth of a child the father'' child'' did not exceed a 13-year-old sensation among politicians criticized the phenomenon of social disintegration in Britain.

The leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, 'The birth of a child for a child'' a very disturbing obsession, as described by another leader of the party with all of the criteria'' tragedy.''
Commented'' father'' of the child, two thousand Patten, who appeared to be in the age of eight due to the small size, wondering:'' I do not know how to be a father ..But I certainly I would be good enough to take care of them.''
In a video on YouTube'''' His response to a question about how to take care Bmolodth, Massey Roxanne'' and to ensure the material:'' What word means physically?'', But he returned and admitted his ignorance obligations by the cap.
He added:'' My father gives me ten pounds sterling pocket expense.''
For its part, said the mother, Chantelle Steadman, 14, and living in a house provided by the local authorities in Eastbourne,'''' free of charge:'' I know we made a mistake and not in my power to change it now .. But certainly we'll be good parents'','' according to the Evening Standard.''
Cameron expressed concern about the phenomenon of decomposition by necrosis of British society by saying:'' It worries me to see children at a very beget children.''
He added, hope to grow as parents of these children officials .. But the truth is that parenting must remain a last worry of thinking at the present time ..''
For his part, said the former Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith, the center runs a'' social justice'':'' The whole thing is an absolute tragedy provides an example of what we warned him in advance about the disintegration of Britain.''
And continued his criticism, saying it reflects the absolute decomposition, which was hit by some aspects of British society.

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