Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sculptures in the tires .. Creativity without limits!

Sculptures in the tires .. Creativity without limits!

May not be any old tires Venzara importance to us to get rid of them, but theKorean artist Jung Ji have a different opinion because it can convert these frames to the amazing works of art:

Imagine that this work of art in all its details is made using old tires?!!

The young industry of metal structures for forms that would like to implement, thencollects and paste them all kinds of tires to be the result of this amazing realism

Take a work of art one about three months to complete, start Young in the manufacture of any form Bnanh first on the structure of the metal by welding cutmetal as it would like access to it, and is developing a prototype to cut wood filledthe Alvrgat between the metal structure, to perform in the final stage paste several types of frames to reach the technical work of these photos

Started this hobby strange (says Young) in the childhood scene of old tires that were not in harmony with nature where he grew up, thus this has great value these tires is the relationship between industry and the environment!!

So what if he had the opportunity to use these tires even tried to express the idea of ​​relationship to the environment industry was this amazing business:

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