Saturday, March 24, 2012

What Do You Know about Falcons

Falconry .. Hunting .. Information on Falcons 

Part I 1 - Did you know that the Arabs first trained hawks and R, and R the first to Derbe and hawk of the Arabs 2 - Did you know that all Sqarin Arabs gather in their opinions that the four colors of Falcon (free) is a rare and exclusive and expensive, namely, (White + blond + Adham + black) and known sources and The rest of the colors is (red + green + Alagbralamriqt + and light brown) They are the source of the difference between falconers in terms of type, origin and place of Tzaugea, due to plentiful in the markets and the lack of the first four colors and distinctive in its strength, speed and courage, and rarely fails of this type of rare species. 3 - Did you know that the reconstruction of some of the hawks up to 20 years if you take care of them well. 

4 - Did you know that the death rate of hawks within the Gulf states up to 40% due to negligence and poor care and bad Almqad. 5 - Did you know that the hawks migrate because of the migration of other birds, which constitute their own food staple and join them wherever you go. 6 - Did you know that the disease (Raddad), which affects the hawks consists of 12 species, 5 of which is not fatal and can be treated and 7 of them fatal and deadly.

(Part II (Iran) and (Iraq) Especially those that reflect the Persian Gulf and called (Ahawahen marine). It had the advantage of hunting at first glance because of what is available in place of the freedom of birds and wild game in abundance. Then comes second (Shaheen of Pakistan). Then comes in third place (Shaheen Egyptian and Libyan). 2 - Did you know that there are several colors of a falcon (Shaheen) are: (Pure black + and bright red + and dusty (Alamlh) + and russet +, green). Note: There is a difference between black Iranian black and the Turkish and the difference between them is that Shaheen Iranian (mixed luna with black dots white on his chest) The Peregrine Turkish (comes to color (black dark and chest dark red and the advantage of also Bosferrar color limbs (leg and deducted). 

3 - Did you know that more than falconry bays prefer (Shaheen Black Shaheen red) and granulated as well if they cut off a distance and went to the Gulf, and endears also if she has completed a period of two months or three months on a flight from (the nest) in order to complete its power and speed of flight and adapted to fishing alone and can be known through the falconer (clear feathers) on her back and chest. 4 - Did you know that there are four types of hawks in circulation in the Gulf markets, namely: (Free + Shaheen + Lanner + lime Albjør). It will touch on each type of them later. 5 - Did you know that the word (Gernas) at falconry Gulf means that the Falcon, who completed a year older than the so-called 'Amra (Gernas then add his kind and the number of denticle), for example, is said (Shaheen Gernas four years) or (free Gernas two red), etc. .. Omar Falcon to know from one year to five years is easy when experienced falconer. Omar Falcon and find out if it exceeds five years is a little tricky on some falconry inexperienced and easy on those who have sufficient experience. 6 - Did you know that the hawks have (a sharp intelligence) and loyal to its owner provided it improves its treatment, training, and that they belong in most cases, to the place of training if you lose daily. 

Therefore, we recommend our fellow falconers that focus on these points in order to reach the high degree of understanding and affection with the hawks. 7 - Did you know that non-completion of (the growth of feathers) or (switch blades) in the stage (tarsal or Almqad) due to a lack of vitamins have, sometimes outside feathers (patients) so that it drops again when he came out for the loss of strength and durability sufficient to withstand and survive, 

Causing a blockage in the so-called (Badminton House) because of fluid from the blood of a feather. 8 - Did you know that more believe that falconry (hawks hybrid lime) is the cause of modern diseases out!! Of course, this speech error rate of one hundred percent because scientists have confirmed that these diseases if he existed from eternity and I was due to the failure of the scientists to discoveries of modern knowledge of the reasons for deaths of hawks or other birds and so there is disease now with the advent of (Hawks lime) and began to attack falconry on this type of hawks and falcons of the extreme bias monster). Note: The hawks die in the past does not know the cause

 of death, unlike now.

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