Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do you know that French fries cause forgetfulness!!!

Do you know that French fries cause forgetfulness!!!

Warned the medical study published in the journal "Neurology" recently, that the foods of fast foods and foods game of potato chips fried chocolate and candies, sweets, etc., may cause cases of forgetting frequent they hurt human memory and lead to disorder and substantial damage in the brain.
The researchers at the Center for Brain Research at the University of California, that fatty foods high in sugar, starch and fat reduces the levels of natural chemicals in the brain important for learning and memory, so the people who eat carbohydrates and fatty foods may suffer from greater defect in their brains.And those found after feeding the mice a range of food rich in sugar and fat in that without any activity for two months, while the second group fed the same food Baltmrn on the wheels .. As addressed the third healthy food only, and the fourth eating the same food with the practice of exercise, that the performance of the rats that ate food fatty, sugary was worse than those fed healthy food, it turns out that sports reflect the impact harmful to the large amounts of those foods harmful to the brain.We found that the presence of low levels of natural substance known as "Bede The F", which protects the brains of adult disease, and allow to respond to stimuli, as it converts the brain impulses of electrical and neural impulses, chemical, in order to learn or remember, so the lack of it adversely affects the force response the brain, causing a significant deterioration in cognitive abilities .......

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