Monday, March 12, 2012

Scientific phenomena and the effects of climate

Scientific phenomena and the effects of climate

High temperatures in different regions of the world, the phenomenon of unusual and alarming as it causes severe
 damage and its effects are reflected on the reality of the human and nature.
In India, temperatures have risen at unprecedented rates in Sri Lanka's latest heat floods and hurricanes hit the huge United States of America, this has been studied (World Meteorological Organization) of the United Nations recently extreme weather events sharpness and returned to the high temperature of the universe after that resulted in such phenomena that occurred in the months of May and June last couple lives about (1750) lives in the three regions above India, Sri Lanka, America, let alone that the floods this summer have led to end the lives of more than (569) people in China with displaced approximately (4.4) million people in India and Bangladesh.
Announced the National Center for Meteorology said temperatures set a new record Sunday they reach 37.4 per area London's Heathrow airport.
Martin Rowley said a researcher at the Centre, told AFP: "Weather very hot about (Heathrow) and London. In the summer, do not reach temperatures usually have a higher rate before 1700 hours and then the temperature rise may be increased."
"We have to wait a bit but there is a great opportunity" that the temperature reaches 37.8 degrees during the day.
So far, the temperature was witnessed by the British standard is 37.8 degrees recorded at the Cheltenham (Central England) in August 1990.
And the process of account direct correlation is clear according to expressed by the World Meteorological Organization to increase the number of casualties and destruction, very large increases if continued global temperatures high as the example the current organization reported above: (the average temperature of the universe over the past cent next will rise between 14 and 58 degrees percentage increase is threatening life on Earth as far as some estimates.
Attribute a lot of scientists that human activity is behind the responsibility of global warming since the early nineties and the finger did not deviate from the site of the atmosphere that produced the phenomenon of global warming and in this regard between the report issued by the Environment Program of the United Nations: (The consumption of coal, oil and gas natural-called carbon stock in fossil fuels such unprecedented rates, and up carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of these fuels to more than (23) billion metric tons per year worldwide, an increase of percentage (30%) compared to 1800. This is caused gas and other in composition (greenhouse) are not visible envelop the earth's atmosphere and prevent heat out of them.

This warns the world (Mark Enas) of the (climate change issue related to the survival of the human race itself).
The (Office of Weather Global) said in a statement issued ahead of time, specifically in the second of July, the current in which he said: (The intensity is unprecedented in climate and weather were are on the increase throughout the years before they continue to happen on the new areas from around the world.
Obviously Vtgierat climate at the international level will be a cause of the threat of many types of implant and the extinction of many birds and animals that will not be available where energy endurance to live in an atmosphere of high temperatures, as published by Reuters media from its office in London specific: (The melting of ice in Antarctica threatens the main source of food for the blue whale, which could lead to extinction and is known to physicists that this whale feeds on flour type of marine algae live in the waters of the sea ice and appears in the summer melting of ice and supports such a theory group (WWF) environmental famous.
It is apparent that the social was the product of this climate is Zarhh rally around one million semi-naked in a direct challenge to the heat and celebrate the streets of Zurich.
Have rallied around one million semi-naked in the streets of Zurich, Switzerland's largest city on Saturday, despite the high temperature of the atmosphere to participate in the biggest concert of electronic music for a summer.
The festival took place, which carries the display name of the street under the slogan (Let the sun shine) LET THE SUN SHINE center temperature exceeded 30 degrees Celsius.
Despite the heat, organizers said that about 900,000 took part in the celebration on the opposite of what is known about the Switzerland of being a conservative country and this beats the Swiss offer to his German counterpart, which was held in Berlin in July and was attended by half a million fans of electronic music.
Organizers of the festival and set up machine guns in the center of Zurich water moisturizes the celebrants to their bodies and many people preferred to bathe in the lake water for recovery. The firefighters set up a large water fountains are organized and distributed products and free sunscreen.

Street View will be held in Zurich every year since 1991 and half of the participants from outside the country. After the end of the main event of hundreds of concerts continue until dawn the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Is it really that th life will end this year? have any info about tht?
