Sunday, March 11, 2012

Did you know that stars die?

Did you know that stars die?

No matter how long the star, the age determination that the Ages and then dieDo not stay in this existence but God is the living who EmmottAnd the death of the star is On completion of its fuel and hydrogen gas, which provide him with powered If this stuff runs out the star shrank and reduced its size to less than it was millions of times and then collapsed and lost its activity.The scientists studied more than a quarter of a million stars .

Fujduha three types:White star: the star and a white color and small size and luster faded Vostalhawwa to call it white midgets.
Natronah stars: the stars tend to article after the death of these molecules neutron stars remains a vibrant and cool but not collapse because of its article about compressed inside it does not fade in Outer Space.
Black holes: the star is very massive and collapsed and died while turned into basements or holes in a dark space with attractive not imagine how powerful the mind to attract any celestial body passes near Vtzhgah and turn ..And turn to dust and be absorbed they are able to swallow the entire galaxy if approached by aThe black hole trap a monster devouring the stars driven by luck bad luck to approach the crater Vinqd miss him and in his stomach forever and the black hole can not for the light to pass him strength of its appeal even light remains trapped inside prisoner.

Rather, this gravity stops time just do not exist even for a time inside the black hole and if we imagine a living being inside the black hole it will not change and will remain forever as it is for lack of time, past and present and future in this type of stars Dead and stars the great turn his death to black holes are to die before the series of massive explosions

Exploding stars and the end of
Lose the large amounts of mass and light up during the explosion of a star exploding as the entire galaxy and explosions that may last millions of years and is called the star at this stage of his life, "Supernova."And less explosions and then the star takes the stage in Dying is that shrink and cool down and lined up article and removed from the vacuum transformed into a terrible black hole.Einstein was the mark which is revealed for the deaths of large stars and converts it to black holes and still puzzles many scientists puzzled about this phenomenon of cosmic strange.

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